Hawaiian Islands Brachyuran Crabs

This page links to photos of Brachyuran crabs we saw in Hawaii in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Much of crab taxonomy depends upon close examination of the numerous appendages, something that is not easily done through in situ photographs of the living animal. We welcome corrections or suggestions at uwkwaj@yahoo.com. We did not focus on crab photography during our time in Hawaii, and photos of crabs were usually taken sporadically to use up the end of a roll of film, and we were limited in size of subject by which extension tube we had mounted on the Nikonos camera. Consequently, coverage is rather skimpy, and there are many more species in the area than we have figured on this site.

Measurements were not taken in the field and animals were not collected, so any sizes given are very rough eyeball estimates often based on distant memories, and are provided only as a general guideline of what to look for. Unless otherwise noted, our crab measurements are estimated widths of the carapace, not including the appendages, which may be much longer.

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Selwynia edmondsoni

Calappidae - box crabs

These are the box crabs. They live in sandy areas, buried by day and often out on top of the sand at night. Powerful pincers are used to break up mollusk shells.

Calappa gallus

Calappa hepatica


Carpilius convexus

Dromiidae - sponge crabs

The rear pair of legs of dromiid crabs is situated so that they can be used to hold something over the crab's shell, often a sponge but sometimes tunicates, clumps of soft coral, algae or any other item that may help to shield the crab from predators.

Stebbingdromia plumosa

Tumidodromia dormia


Hirsutodynomene ursula


Hyastenus spinosus

Schizophroida hilensis

Ocypodidae - ghost crabs

Ocypode pallidula


Exopalicus maculatus


Daldorfia rathbuni

Thyrolambrus efflorescens


Percnon abbreviatum

Percnon planissimum

Portunidae - swimming crabs

Catoptrus sp.

Goniosupradens erythrodactylus

Goniosupradens hawaiensis

Laleonectes nipponensis

Lissocarcinus orbicularis

Thalamita admete

Thalamita pseudopelsarti

Xiphonectes macrophthalmus


Trapezia bidentata

Trapezia flavopunctata

Xanthidae - round crabs

Chlorodiellinae? sp.

Etisus splendidus

Etisus splendidus

Juxtaxanthias intonsus

Liomera bella

Liomera rubra

Liomera rugata

Lophozozymus pulchellus

Lybia edmondsoni

Neoliomera cf intermedia

Neoliomera cf pubescens

Pilodius areolatus

Platypodia cf semigranosa

Platypodia eydouxi

Polydectus cupulifer

Tweedieia laysani

Xanthias latifrons

Zosimus hawaiiensis

We thank the knowledgeable people in the Facebook Crustacean Identification Group for suggestions on several of these species.

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