Odontozona arbur Saito, Okuno & Anker, 2017

Odontozona arbur has been found under rocks on the seaward and lagoon reefs and Kwajalein and Majuro Atolls. We formerly had these under Odontozona sculpticaudata based on a photograph in Goy (2015) but more recently Saito et al (2017) suggested the particular photo that we think our animals most closely resemble is O. arbur. Differences between the two species are fairly slight, mostly reported as the presence, absence or arrangement of small spines on various parts of the carapace, features not easily seen in the photos. So it is possible they are all the same, and as the only specimen from the Marshalls that has been examined by experts is the figured O. sculpticaudata, it may be that our specimens are variations of that species.

The two specimens (one with eggs) below were found under an aluminum sheet at a depth of approximately 4 meters by Raphaël Forns at Majuro Atoll.

Created 23 July 2023

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