Ciliopagurus strigatus (Herbst, 1804)

Ciliopagurus strigatus is common on lagoon, pinnacle and seaward reefs at Kwajalein. This hermit is one of the few with a flattened body that enables it to take advantage of the large number of shells with narrow apertures, such as cone or cowry shells, that many hermit crabs cannot properly fit into. The first one below is in a 25-30mm long Conus retifer shell.

The next one is in the shell of Conus ammiralis.

Conus legatus is the shell used by this hermit.

Sometimes the crabs are good at finding rare shells, such as the Conus crocatus in the two photos below.

Another Conus retifer.

Some miter shells also have narrow apertures that can be used by these flattened hermits.

Created 10 August 2018
Updated 22 May 2020

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