Pocillopora grandis Milne Edwards, 1860

Pocillopora grandis is a common, large species of Pocillopora found on reefs throughout Kwajalein Atoll. Numerous fish, particularly some species of Chromis and other damsels, often take refuge between the thick branches. Typically yellow brown, the coral can also come in a purple shade, with both colors due to the symbiotic zooxanthellae; corals that have lost their symbiotic algae are white. The World Register of Marine Species lists P. eydouxi as a synonym of the earlier described Pocillopora grandis, but a number of coral biologists have retained P. eydouxi since it is much more common use.

Sharing a rocky outcrop with colonies of Pocillopora verrucosa.

Pocillopora grandis is not especially prone to coral bleaching as seen in the white Goniopora in the photo below, but it will bleach out if warmer water stays around too long.

A few bleaching colonies.

An unbleached purple variety.

The colony below is resembles some web photos of the similar Pocillopora woodjonesi.

Created 22 April 2020
Updated 11 June 2023

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