Cycloscala hyalina (Sowerby, 1844)

Cycloscala hyalina is rarely seen, but that is likely due to its small size. We have seen several living shells on the reef, but it is more likely to find empty ones sorted from sand samples brought to the surface from as deep as 60m. We have found at least two live animals very close to small Boloceroides anemones, so we suspect those are what the shells are eating. Most of these photos are of a living animal found by Christina Sylvester in shallow water off Kwajalein Island.

While examining the photo of the Boloceroides anemone below, the tiny Cycloscala hyalina was noticed at the bottom of the frame, a bit right of center. The photo also showed an at the time unnoticed nudibranch, Gymnodoris sp., at lower left.

A zoomed in shot of the approximately 3mm long Cycloscala next to the Boloceroides.

Created 17 April 2017
Updated 29 December 2023

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