Elysia nigropunctata (Pease, 1871)

This animal is colored much like Elysia marginata (without the black parapodial margins), but its parapodia are reduced to small undulations along the sides of the dorsum and bear distinct black spots. On the Sea Slug Forum, this is listed as Elysia sp 11. We have seen it at Enewetak and Kwajalein Atolls. I have not seen the original description of E. nigropunctata, but apparently it does not mention the orange coloration on the parapodial lobes. So while these animals could need another name, I think the amount of orange could be a variable character, as can be seen from the photos below.

The 21mm specimen below was found on 6 October 2008 on algae-covered rocks at a depth of 13m on the Kwajalein Atoll seaward reef between the islands of Ennubuj and Ennylabegan.

The specimen below measured about 28mm and was on a Kwajalein Atoll lagoon pinnacle on 8 March 2009.

Here's another shot of the same animal using a different camera.

This one found on Kwajalein's seaward reef on 31 May 2009 opened its flaps at little to let us see within.

Created 2 February 2007
Updated 5 December 2018

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