Discodoris boholiensis Bergh, 1877

Although a well-know Indo-Pacific species, Discodoris boholiensis is known in the Marshalls from only about six specimens. The first two photos below show one measuring maybe 25-30mm that was found exposed on dead coral at a depth of about 20m at night on a Kwajalein Atoll lagoon pinnacle.

Underside and foot.

The next two photos below show a large, 75mm yellowish one found by Rob Ramsey in a Halimeda patch on the lagoon slope of the eastern Kwajalein Atoll reef at a depth of about 20 meters. Unfortunately, we were able to capture the image of the recent specimen only on video, which accounts for the low resolution of the two screen captures below.

A darker specimen found some years ago by David Johnson more closely resembles published figures of Discodoris boholiensis. No size or location information is available for this one.

A third small specimen measuring about 20mm found recently matches Dave's in color. It was under a rock on a southern Kwajalein Atoll lagoon pinnacle in about 6m of water on 9 December 2012.

Created 15 December 2006
Updated 20 August 2016

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